A recipe for eliminating cockroaches

Cockroaches are saying goodbye after you’ll use these 12 very easy ways to get rid of them.
1.Keep Your Home Clean: Regularly sweep, mop, and wipe down surfaces. Store food in sealed containers to make your home less attractive to cockroaches.
2.Seal Cracks and Gaps: Inspect and seal openings around doors, windows, and baseboards with caulk to prevent cockroaches from entering.
3.Baking Soda and Sugar: Mix equal parts baking soda and sugar, then sprinkle in areas where cockroaches are seen. Sugar attracts them, while baking soda acts as a natural poison.
4.Essential Oils: Mix peppermint, eucalyptus, or tea tree oil with water and spray around entry points and hiding places to repel cockroaches.
5..Bay Leaves: Place dried bay leaves in cupboards, drawers, and other hiding spots to naturally deter cockroaches.
6.Diatomaceous Earth: Sprinkle food-grade diatomaceous earth where cockroaches travel. It dehydrates and kills them safely for humans and pets.
7.Lemon Peels: Use lemon peels or lemon juice on surfaces where cockroaches appear—they dislike the scent.
8.Boric Acid: Mix boric acid with flour and sugar to make balls, then place them in corners and hiding spots. Boric acid effectively kills cockroaches.
9.Catnip: Scatter catnip or make a tea and spray it in problem areas to repel cockroaches naturally.
10.Garlic: Place crushed garlic cloves in areas with cockroach activity—they dislike the smell.
11.Cucumber Slices: Fresh cucumber slices placed in areas with cockroach activity can help repel them.
12.Cover Trash: Ensure all trash cans have tight lids and are emptied regularly to remove a food source for cockroaches.

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